Wednesday 30 September 2020


Blog Posting

Students should create a blog, using any software of their choice. It can be on any aspect of the module, or of the gaming community in a broader sense. However, it must engage with the course material at several points. Though you are not assessed on your blog, you will show your blog as part of the final assessment on the module (see below). In this mini-conference you will be required to show your blog and discuss its unique approach, making reference to several of the blog posts you've uploaded in the course of the semester. Needless to say, you will score much more highly if you start this blog early and work continuously on it throughout the year. Furthermore, your blog can serve as a jumping of point for your final essay on the module.

This blog will serve as the formative assessment expected of the Videogames: Culture Politics History module at Royal Holloway University, content written and formatted by student Matilda Hall.

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