Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Miltank Mix au Lait

I don't know about you, dear reader, but the existence of Moo Moo Milk alone brings up many unwanted questions for me. Does Miltank enjoy being milked? Do they consent to such a thing, or volunteer even? Are those Miltank farms in Johto treating them as the sentient beings they are, or like real-life cattle? Do Miltank have worker's rights? Well, I for one, do not know, but what I do know is that they have a real tasty drink named after them! They should also probably unionise. 

As far as recreating Café Mix recipes, this one was on the easier end of the scale. As with the Eevee Latte, the actual drink itself isn't that difficult to make or create a recipe for: the image clearly shows milk, mint and berries, so we can assume those are the main ingredients, and the darker patches in the glass suggest a jello or boba inside. I went with jelly, just as its easier to source, and I felt it'd fit better with the overall taste combination, as the milk I decided to use was strawberry-flavoured ahead of time. I did use regular cow's milk, just not in the main drink; purely as decoration. 

As I don't have access to Rawst or Oran berries, I used their closest real-world equivalent as my Mix au Lair's berry punch: strawberries (removed of their stalks and diced) and blueberries (just dunked in haphazardly). I did consider adding Pecha (or peaches, in non-gamer terms), but figured that'll be overkill, and might confuse the flavour. 

While overall a pretty relaxing indulgence into Pokémon cuisine, one hazard I did find myself fall into with this recipe was the assumption that the strawberry milk alone would be able to combat the blueberries strength of colour: I was super incorrect, and my Mix au Lait came out a little more purple than I would've liked. But, hey, it still tasted good so I'm not too mad about it. If I was to do this again however, waaaaay less blueberries. The blue in those babies is a lot more powerful that you think. Trust me on that one.

Other than that, I do wish I could've had the decals made to fully complete the set and really nail that authentic look, but on a student budget and limited time, it just wasn't possible. Maybe next time!

In total, including preparing the ingredients, this glass of fruity niceness took roughly 10 to 15 minutes, and made a whole lot of juice, so this is one I'd wait and make at an occasion where there's more than one person. I made this, by myself, in my kitchen at 8am in the morning, and watching me try to pour leftover Mix au Lait into a water bottle for later is a bizarre and awful thing for my family to have had to walk in on when looking for breakfast. Don't me reader... don't be me.


Oh my goodness, it tastes so good. I am biased, as I do love strawberry milk with as much of my heart as I love Eevee, but man. Fruit and milk are really a match made in heaven. I met Arceus drinking this. 

Difficulty: Recipe

Other than getting those colour ratios right, this recipe is pretty easy if you have a blender or food processor available, you just pop everything in at once and give that sweet nectar a blitz. If you don't, um... I'd maybe borrow one, as smashing all that fruit to puree by yourself will take you absolutely forever. 

Difficulty: Accuracy

The glass I already had, but the tumbler and milk bottle I found after a brief Amazon deep dive. Finding the right shapes was a little tough, and the milk bottle is a tad more titchy than the one in the image, but I think its sweeter that way, more cute. It is a shame that the decals weren't there, but the vibe is close enough for me to give myself a pass on that one. The other main accuracy issue I had was a lot of trouble trying to get berries to stay on top of the glass like the reference image. Ultimately, after many fruitless tries, I gave up. As it turned out, my glass ended up being filled with boba after all, except they were all blueberries covered in jelly. It wasn't as bad as you'd think, but its certainly a texture surprise. 

Final Recipe


    - strawberry milk (to your brand of choice), approx 250ml, but add to taste and colour

    - plain milk (also of choice)

    - blueberries

    - strawberries

    - strawberry jelly (pre-made saves time, but made from scratch works too)

    - mint 

1. Blend together the strawberry milk, a handful of blueberries, approximately 5 large strawberries and two sprigs of mint in a large blender until smooth. 

2. Once mixed, pour into glass of choice. 

3. Add cut chunks of strawberry jelly to glass and optional boba-esque blueberries.

4. Decorate with a mint garnish, small bottle of milk and drink tumbler to complete your Miltank Mix au Lait. Bon appétit!

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